Eliminating This Could Save Your Life!

Look at it, it even looks like a drug. Like those illicit drugs that you were taught to stay away from because they could kill you. How come no one ever warned us to stay away from SUGAR, the worst of them all!! Would you believe that it is more addictive than...

You Are More Than Worthy!

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Today I want to talk about the concept ofworthiness. It is one of the most important concepts on the journey to love and acceptance of one’s self. In today’s world we see so many people wrapping up their...

What do you want your legacy to be?

Lately it seems like we are seeing a lot of famous stars transition. We know it is inevitable as we age of course, but it is still hard to lose the people we grew up with, people who have made us laugh and enjoy this wonderful thing called life. This week we lost...