Doing Business In a Scary Global Climate

Doing Business In a Scary Global Climate

Business, as usual, doesn’t exist right now. Everywhere you turn companies are having to respond to what is happening in our country. No, our world. It’s a very volatile and scary time. But in the midst of a movement and a pandemic people are still...
What’s With This GDPR Anyway?

What’s With This GDPR Anyway?

So are you as tired as I am at getting all those updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policies emails to clutter up your inbox? Well, it’s all related to the GDPR. Which stands for General Data Protection Regulation. You may be up to speed by now, but in case...

Grit…Do You Have It?

I sat transfixed as I watched Angela’s Duckworth’s TED talk on Grit. So much of what she said, I knew to be true, even if I cannot quantify it. It is a concept that has so many applications, not just for our children, but in our personal lives, and of...