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UX Design




Making Time for Yourself
I am just having one of those days. I am feeling truly lousy!! I started a new diet and my body is adjusting to the elimination of sugar and starches. In fact it is rebelling! I have headaches and zero energy. I know this is an important part of the cleansing...
Finding your JOY again!
Have you lost your joy due to something bad which happened to you? This week I want us to explore the question... How do I find my joy again? Sometimes in life bad things happen to us. They are usually unexpected and really throws us for a loop. The quote I shared...
How to Be Kind to Yourself When You Mess Up
Inspiration is everywhere. This week I was inspired by my two boys and it was a simple lesson on how to be kind to yourself when you mess up. My boys forgot about their book talks that were due this week at school. They both came to me the morning they were due and...
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We are a User Experience (UX) Design consulting firm focused on helping companies and organizations create unique and creative customer experiences.
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FBUX Consulting
21175 Tomball Parkway,
Suite 458
Houston, Texas, 77070
Tel. +1 832 384 8566