Making Time for Yourself
Franka Baly
March 9, 2013

I am just having one of those days.  I am feeling truly lousy!! I started a new diet and my body is adjusting to the elimination of sugar and starches.  In fact it is rebelling! I have headaches and zero energy. I know this is an important part of the cleansing process, but it is really hard. All I want to do is sleep and wake up feeling better and like myself again. Instead I woke up thirsty and with another headache. As I write this I am in bed and have no plans to leave. It is not the best space to write an uplifting message to my sisters, but it is genuinely how I feel today.

But when I started my blog I told myself that there were no excuses for not following through with a commitment I made to myself . In this case, writing every Saturday, no matter what. This is part of the process of keeping promises I make to myself. When you are having a day like mine it is sometimes really hard to keep that promise (like this diet that I am on). But not keeping a promise to yourself is a slippery slope and before you know it, you aren’t keeping a promise you made to yourself. Most women are usually good at keeping promises to other people, sometimes giving others the very best they have to offer, but continually breaking promises they make to themselves or having very little left for themselves. They don’t want to seem selfish so they just keep giving and giving until they have nothing left. I have been guilty of this for as long as I can remember. I did this a lot when I owned my business and it ultimately lead to my burnout. I was just so tired of having nothing left after I had given it all away to my clients. I learned that it was my fault that this happened, not theirs. People will only take what you have to offer, it’s up to you to know how much you are willing to give away.  

You may have seen or heard on my Facebook or Twitter pages this week that I joined Marie Forleo’s B-School. One of her first tasks for the B-Schoolers was for us to put all of our important dates on our calendar so we could see what we have on our schedules and then allot time for ourselves and what was important to us.  This task was invaluable to me. It’s amazing how much time you actually have to do the things you love even with a full-time job, kids and running a household. I found that I have three really great days for doing things I love. Saturdays, Sundays and Thursdays. I also love early mornings (between 3-6 a.m.), before the kids wake up.  I can pray, write in my blog, exercise, return emails, do my homework for B-School…Whatever!

Making this time for yourself is an important part of keeping your spirit rejuvenated. As women, we give so much to everyone else that it is important to replenish our reserves. It will make you better for all of the people in your life. Carve out some time for yourself to do the things you love, what you are passionate about and make it a firm date. Try to do it at a time when you know you will be at your absolute best. When you are sharpest, most alert and present. Don’t shift it and don’t allow your kids, husband, friends, dog, cat or anyone else to take that time away from you. It is your time! 

Today I want you to do that simple task and make a weekly date for yourself. Make it firm and non-breakable because the last person you want to let down is yourself!

Much love,



What are you doing to replenish your spirit? How are you making yourself a priority? Share it with us in the community.


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I’m Franka Baly, CXO

Franka Baly

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