My Own Bullying Story
Franka Baly
January 6, 2014

I was bullied by a group of girls when I was in 7th grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was for no good reason but just because one of the girls liked a boy who I was friends with. She didn’t like that he was better friends with me than he was with her. She was my best friend at the time and for no clear reason stopped being my friend and then turned other so-called friends against me. It was horrible. I cried all through Science class that afternoon. My Science teacher who could see my anguish, did nothing. She acted like I was invisible. My saving grace was my wonderful Dad who noticed that I was moping at home that evening and asked me what happened. Once I told him the full story he gave me these encouraging words that got me through the rest of the year.

“You did nothing wrong, those girls are the ones that are wrong. You don’t have to apologize for being yourself. They cannot diminish who you are so they can feel better about themselves. Go back to school tomorrow with your head held high. One day they will apologize to you and if they don’t that’s on them.”

I went though an entire year of taunting, name-calling, and whispers as I walked down the hall. Girls who were once my friends, wouldn’t even talk to me for no other reason than they didn’t want to be on the “outside” of the popular group. I was ostracized at lunch and spent a lot of time alone.

During this time, I learned to rely on my faith and the people who truly loved me. I excelled in school, I was determined to continue to shine and I formed other interests, and made other friends. I joined choir and I became a cheerleader. I continued to shine. I didn’t run from being who I was. I would have to say that it was a really difficult year but it taught me how strong I was and that nothing, no matter how difficult at the time, wouldn’t last forever.

But Dad was right. One by one over the years I got an apology for most of those girls. Some the year after the incident and others many years later in the form of a connection on Facebook. Even though I accepted the friend request, it still stung and I was hard pressed to truly let them into my life. The bullying left a terrible stain on my heart. Bullying leaves a pain in the heart of the person who experiences it. That is why it resonates with me so much when I read stories about kids who have been bullied because they are overweight/obese, awkward, or just because they are different who end up struggling with depression, cutting, or committing suicide. It is so much harder to deal with the effects of bullying now, with social media and all of the Internet trolls. But I want you to know that your life is meaningful and special. You have a purpose for being born that only you can fulfill and the world needs you. The truth is that most people are outside the norm and live in the fringes. It’s okay that you are different. There are wonderful people who can help you deal with the loneliness and pain that results from being bullied.

Please check out the great resources on this site dedicating to stopping bullying!


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I’m Franka Baly, CXO

Franka Baly

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