To Serve Requires Constant Care, Feeding, & Attention!
Franka Baly
December 6, 2014

Do you know you have a calling on your life?

If you do then you probably know exactly what your gifts are and how you plan to use them. You may have in your mind how following your calling will make you feel? Can you almost transport yourself to that place and see your life? See the impact that you are making in the world? See how it will change the lives of the people you will touch? How it will change your life?

I love doing this exercise. It helps to keep me focused on the path that I have started for myself, that I want you to begin (if you haven’t already). But what I know for sure is when you are called to do work that serves people, that work can also be responsible for bringing  you to your knees and creating havoc in your life. Why? Because people are complicated and life is messy!

You can be certain that when people are involved there will be both joy and pain, highs and lows, good and bad. In Chinese philosophy refers to this as Yin and Yang. When you are creating anything new to share with the world, you have to spiritually, emotionally, and physically prepare yourself daily to deal with the onslaught of emotions that inevitably comes with serving. It is imperative that you stay aligned with your purpose and why you are serving in the first place.

So today I want to discuss 6 areas you should pay attention to when you are in the service of others.

1. Connect with your spirit. You must be connected to that which is greater than yourself. That may mean getting still through prayer or meditation. You cannot serve if all you think about is yourself (that’s actually the opposite of serving). Let go of your EGO (edging God out). This happens all the time as humans rise is prestige and fame. They start to feel like they are responsible for their success and achievements. I know that any gifts and talents I have come from God and He expects me to use them to help others. Just as I’m blessed, it can all be taken away if I abuse what I have been given. There are many examples of how this abuse can destroy a person in history. Connect spiritually everyday and you will feel replenished, humbled, and aligned with your purpose.

2. Be very clear on who your audience is and who you are called to serve. Maybe you are called to mentor women, maybe it is men, or adolescents, or families; the key is to be very clear about who you will be serving. Once you are clear, it will be much easier to tailor your message and services for your intended audience. You will notice that when your message is clearly targeted to your audience, they will they come to you. They will find you online or follow you on social media. Your message will resonate with them. It will confirm that you are on the right path. Look at your social media feed, who do you follow? Whose message resonates with you? Maybe that is work that you too would love to do. Whatever you crave, may be the very thing that you have a gift for. That may be your calling as well!

Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 8.41.58 AM3. Stay connected to what you are grateful for, have a gratitude practice. Don’t get mired in all the things you cannot control or the things that are going wrong. Some things will go wrong but A LOT will go right. Focus on all of the blessings and learn from what didn’t quite go well. There is always room for improvement and growth. Forget about perfection, kick that to the curb, and focus on striving for excellence and doing the very best that you can. Your friends, family and community will let you know when you are sounding ungrateful and conceited. Don’t give them a reason to check you, keep yourself grounded and aligned by focusing daily on three (3) things that you are grateful for. The key here is to write it down and be specific. Keep a gratitude jar. In your own handwriting, write 1 thing you are grateful for per slip of paper. Put each item into a jar. If you do it everyday for a year that will be 1,095 gratitude items in your jar! Wow!! You don’t have to wait for 2015, start today! Open it on New Years Eve and read through just what happened from now until the end of the year!

I’m also designing a custom jar that you will soon be able to get on here. In the meantime, visit Etsy, Ross, or Marshalls for some great options.

4. Learn to just say NO! One of the things that will deplete you faster than anything else, is saying yes to too many things. You are human and not cyborg. You cannot do everything, even if your spirit is willing. Organize and prioritize your requests according to those that are the best and most valuable use of your time and talents and cross off the rest. Its always hard to say no because we want to help people, that’s usually connected to our calling. But sometimes you MUST! Don’t feel compelled to say yes if you know that you cannot do it at the level that the requestor deserves or you want. Giving less than your level of excellence will diminish your brand and your message. If you are depleted, diminished, or stretched too thin, you will know and it is time for you to say no.

Oprah quote5. Find your tribe. I think this is one of the main reasons social media exploded in the past five years. There are so many people who want to know that they belong and that they matter. While there are some drawbacks to any social media community, as we mature, we learn the power of community and how to use it to connect and inspire. We all need encouragement and support and we want to know that we are not alone. You may also find a Mastermind partner online or a best friend that just gets you. You may do similar work and be able to support one another in a way no one else can. This week I listened to a Holiday Huddle from three women who are doing big things online; Marie Forleo, Danielle LaPorte and Kris Carr. All have global thriving communities and have made millions online serving the needs of women. What I love about them is that they truly care. Its not just about making money to them. They are all aligned with each other. A great part of their story is that they met online. Today they are best friends who love and support each other.

“Every one of us is looking for the same thing — we want to know we matter.”

I encourage you to find your tribe or community, whether online or offline. Everyone needs someone. Check out for a great list of offline groups.

6.  Take care of your body. This means eating well, exercising, and SLEEP!! This is the area that I struggle with the most. You can’t actualize if you have no energy!! This is closely tied with making yourself a priority, which can be hard for a single mom like myself. I remember hearing how not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain, memory loss and diminished motor skills. Here is an article that discusses some of the effects. In addition, its important to fuel and move your body so you will feel and look your best. I know I am happier when I exercise, those endorphins just keep firing all day. Even as little as 20 minutes a day makes me feel better. So I encourage you to figure out how to get in a little time for yourself each day even if it is just stretching. As a reminder check out Thrive by Arianna Huffington about how her life was impacted by lack of sleep while she was launching the Huffington Post.

So these are just six areas that you should consider as you pursue your calling. They are by no means an exhaustive list, but I know if you do just these six things, you will be better able to align with your purpose or calling.

Keep striving and continue to go for what you love because the world needs what only you can give and what only you possess. God gave it only to you. I’ll be looking forward to see what amazing work you will be doing and supporting you along the way!

Have a great Saturday!



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  1. Yolanda Johnson

    Franka this is phenomenal! I needed this today so thanks for sharing.


    • Franka

      I am so happy it helped you Yolanda! Keep sharing your amazing gifts with the world!


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I’m Franka Baly, CXO

Franka Baly

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