Do you truly see yourself?
Franka Baly
September 7, 2013

Today I want to talk about how our flawed perception of ourselves can affect how we live our lives.  

I recently read a terrific article in Glamour Magazine about Weight Stereotyping . It was a compelling article.  As usual I read the comments after the article and was struck by how many women have so much pain about this issue.  Not surprising considering we live in a body obsessed society. Also not surprising since Glamour has a younger demographic when women are really struggling with these issues and figuring out who they are.

The media is constantly telling us who is beautiful and who is the ideal for every external manifestation, so it is no wonder so many of us are walking around not loving ourselves. I have learned that the key is for me to focus on being healthy and not on what the scale says.  I still weigh myself, but I don’t do it as often as I used to. Now instead of getting on the scale every day, I may check once a week.  I focus on eating healthy and getting in exercise on a consistent basis — at least 4 times a week. I love how great I feel when I just move my body and especially how weight training changes my muscles. I sometimes look back at all of the time I wasted focusing on thoughts of my weight.  I wish I could go back and reclaim that time. I still have an addiction to articles about health and fitness but am not obsessed with getting to a specific size. For many women, their relationship with their bodies is constantly changing. Now in my 40’s I strive to focus on who I am as a person. Learning to love myself has helped me focus on taking care of myself and I have noticed that my relationship with food and weight follows the love I feel for myself inside. For a long time I didn’t see myself and all that I had to offer. I also know that many people don’t truly see themselves.

Today I want you to take some time to really see yourself. Write down on post-it notes all of the wonderful things you love about yourself, one item per post it note. Put them all around you. Look at how they cover the room. Feel the love. Then ask some of your closest friends what they love about you, once again one item per post-it note.  Do you see any common words emerging?  Did their list put yours to shame? This is a fun exercise and can really help you to see yourself in a whole new perspective. All the things people love about you are a part of who you are and deserves to be celebrated.

Don’t spend any more energy beating yourself up about ANYTHING.  Forgive yourself and move on.  You are so much more awesome than any number on the scale or what is looking back at you in the mirror. Focus on sharing your talents and gifts with the world and you will find that your life is more full and rewarding than you ever imagined.


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I’m Franka Baly, CXO

Franka Baly

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